Installation of an ESD-protected area made up of GroundLock Extreme interlocking ESD tiles inside a non-ESD factory environment.
ESD-protected area inside a non-ESD factory environment.
Advanced Motion Controls, electronics manufacturing application

StaticWorx Interlocking tiles

Easily Installed or Redeployed With No Disruption or Downtime

Ideal for concrete slabs with vapor problems

"…the floor is awesome! It’s very durable and it’s very convenient that we can lift tiles up to remove debris from underneath, and even replace tiles if they are damaged. So from a functional perspective, this is the best floor for our manufacturing operation."

Tyler Mastromattei, Engineer

ADVANCED Motion Controls

“We laid the tile today in Niceville and everyone really likes it. Great product [GroundLock Extreme interlocking tile]! We like the color and the dovetail interlocking feature. We are still moving-in, but the flooring looks great.”

Nick Wolfgram, Business Manager

Applied Systems Engineering, Inc.

Photo shows a cropped image of a contractor holding an interlocking ESD floor tile. Before him several tiles have already been installed.

Designed for fast, problem-free installation, StaticWorx interlocking tile is easy to disassemble and move to a new space or location. Both GroundLock EXTREME vinyl and StatLock interlocking rubber tiles can be installed by anyone—with or without experience. If the space is redeployed, you can take the floor with you. So you never lose your initial investment.

Installable over almost any sub-floor, GroundLock Extreme and StatLock interlocking tiles are ideal for leased spaces, concrete slabs with vapor issues, occupied spaces, operational cleanrooms, and any space requiring fast, hassle-free installation. Unlike most tile, GroundLock ESD vinyl and StatLock ESD rubber tiles are installed without adhesives and are dimensionally stable (without full adhesion).

Ideal for Problem Floors

StaticWorx interlocking ESD tiles are an ideal solution for problem floors. Our thick, durable interlocking tiles can be installed over almost any subfloor, including high-moisture concrete slaps, with no special floor prep and without worrying about moisture seeping through seams.

Install 24/7, no downtime

Because our interlocking tiles don’t require adhesive, they can be installed quickly and easily, 24/7 – even in occupied spaces. So there’s no need to disrupt operations.


StaticWorx interlocking tiles are dimensionally stable, won’t dome, roll or telegraph seams, and can withstand heavy loads up to 30,000 lbs.


Our interlocking tiles are slip resistant, and allow for easy rolling of pallets and carts.


Our interlocking tiles are electrically bonded across the installation and meet all aspects of ANSI/ESD S20.20 – with the same high-performance static-control parameters of a floor installed with a full-spread, conductive adhesive. Perfect for labs, clean rooms, R&D, and electronics manufacturing and handling spaces.

Compled GroundLock Extreme interlocking ESD tile installation in a laboratory facility.

Interlocking Tiles Key Benefits

Install 24/7, No Downtime

Because our interlocking tiles don’t require adhesive, they can be installed quickly and easily, 24/7 – even in occupied spaces. So there’s no need to disrupt operations.


Our interlocking tiles are dimensionally stable, won’t dome or roll, and can withstand heavy loads up to 30,000 lbs.

Ideal for Temporary Spaces

Our interlocking tiles lock together easily. To redeploy the room, simply unzip and carry the tiles away.


GroundLock EXTREME – interlocking and lay-flat – and StatLock interlocking rubber tiles are slip resistant, and allow for easy rolling of pallets and carts.

Installable Over Almost Any Subfloor

Both GroundLock EXTREME and StatLock tiles can be installed over almost any subfloor, including concrete slabs with vapor issues – with no special floor prep and without worrying about moisture mitigation.
A circular ESD safe symbol for a protected area in yellow with the ESD symbol in the center in black and the text "ESD Safe". In the top left corner of the circle is the text "ANSI/ESD S20.20" and in the right is the txt "Protected Area"

High-Performance Static Control

Our interlocking tiles are electrically bonded across the installation and meet all aspects of ANSI/ESD S20.20. As rubber is inherently antistatic, they generate low body voltage per STM 97.2


GroundLock & StatLock

GroundLock conductive interlocking tiles

StatLock Static-dissipative tiles

GroundLock EXTREME ESD Interlocking Tile

Photograph of an installation of GroundLock Extreme interlocking ESD tile in a cleanroom gown room facility.

Most interlocking floors have one intrinsic weakness – dimensional stability. That’s because they are made with 100% plastic. Alone, plastic is not dimensionally stable. This is never a concern with GroundLock Extreme interlocking ESD tile. GroundLock Extreme contains two layers of fiberglass inside every tile. This prevents contraction and expansion. GroundLock Extreme tiles lay flat and never dome up. Installable over any sub-floor, with no disruption and no permanent commitment, GroundLock Extreme interlocking ESD tile is an ideal solution for leased spaces, concrete slabs with vapor issues, occupied spaces, operational cleanrooms, and spaces requiring fast installation. Electrically conductive, low static generating (under 100 volts).

To see how your GroundLock interlocking floor will appear after it’s installed, we invite you to put down a free test patch. Learn more about the GroundLock Challenge.

GroundLock Lay-Flat Loose-Lay tiles
Loose-lay for raised access floors

GroundLock Extreme Lay-Flat tiles have the same high-performance ESD properties as GroundLock Interlocking tiles – with a flat edge, cut to 24” x 24” for one-to-one installation over raised access floor panels. Installed one-to-one or straddled over panels—typical in field installations—the seams between tiles are nearly invisible. GroundLock 2’ x 2’ lay-flat tiles integrate with StaticWorx ShadowFX™ 2’ x 2’ carpet tiles with no need for transitions. Conductive, low static generating (under 100 volts).

Ongoing installation of GroundLock Lay Flat tile
GroundLock tile installation in progress, General Dynamics

GroundLock Extreme Lay-Flat tiles have the same high-performance ESD properties as GroundLock Interlocking tiles – with a flat edge, cut to 24” x 24” for one-to-one installation over raised access floor panels. Installed one-to-one or straddled over panels—typical in field installations—the seams between tiles are nearly invisible. GroundLock 2’ x 2’ lay-flat tiles integrate with StaticWorx ShadowFX™ 2’ x 2’ carpet tiles with no need for transitions. Conductive, low static generating (under 100 volts).

Ongoing installation of GroundLock Lay Flat tile
GroundLock tile installation in progress, General Dynamics

StatLock Interlocking Static Dissipative (SD) Rubber Tiles
The green choice

StatLock interlocking static-dissipative (SD) rubber tiles, made from 100% recycled and up to 91% post-consumer rubber, are StaticWorx’ greenest ESD floor tile to date. Durable enough for heavy-duty environments, StatLock interlocking rubber is  an excellent choice for temporary or transitional spaces. Best of all, StatLock interlocking ESD rubber provides long wear and exceptional value for people searching for a low cost, high performance static-safe floor. Static dissipative, inherently low static generation.

StatLock interlocking static-dissipative (SD) rubber tiles, made from 100% recycled and up to 91% post-consumer rubber, are StaticWorx’ greenest ESD floor tile to date. Durable enough for heavy-duty environments, StatLock interlocking rubber is  an excellent choice for temporary or transitional spaces. Best of all, StatLock interlocking ESD rubber provides long wear and exceptional value for people searching for a low cost, high performance static-safe floor. Static dissipative, inherently low static generation.

StoneFlex Conductive Vinyl Interlocking Tile

StoneFlex interlocking tiles are perfect for temporary spaces. Tiles click together and easily unzip for quick removal and transport to a different location. StoneFLEX interlocking tiles can be installed over almost any subfloor. Four mm interlocking and Lay-flat options won’t telegraph imperfections and withstand moisture, making them perfect for problem floors and difficult installations.  

Find out about StaticWorx flooring essentials

Learn about the flooring essentxqials that StaticWorx can supply,
plus our GroundSafe® Equipment Loaner Program.

Learn more

Product Info

Groundlock extreme

GroundLock Extreme Light Gray
GroundLock Extreme Gray
GroundLock Extreme Blue (Special order)

Size (Interlocking): 25” x 25” (635mm)
          (Square): 24” x 24” (610mm)
Resistance: 2.5 x 10E4 – 10E7 (STM7.1)
Charge Generation:  <100 V (STM97.2)

statlock rubber

Image of a piece of StatLock interlocking rubber flooring
Color: Black
Size: 24” x 24”
Thickness: 8 MM
Resistance:  > 1.0 x 10E6 and < 1.0 x 10E9 (STM7.1)
Charge Generation: < 100 V (STM97.2)


GroundLock ESD Message Tile
Message tiles are available in carpetrubbervinyl and 
GroundLock Extreme interlocking vinyl

Info & Brochures

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Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) flooring protects electronics from damage caused by static electricity, which accumulates as people walk. Conductive elements such as carbon, graphite or metal-coated particles, distributed throughout the flooring material, give ESD floors electrical conductivity and create an electrical pathway from the walking surface to ground.

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ESD flooring is not a one-size-fits-all product. A floor that works well in one application or environment can fail in another. In our Selecting & Specifying hub, we’ve gathered all the information you need to specify or select the right ESD floor for your application.

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Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) flooring protects electronics from damage caused by static electricity, which accumulates as people walk. Conductive elements such as carbon, graphite or metal-coated particles, distributed throughout the flooring material, give ESD floors electrical conductivity and create an electrical pathway from the walking surface to ground.

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ESD flooring is not a one-size-fits-all product. A floor that works well in one application or environment can fail in another. In our Selecting & Specifying hub, we’ve gathered all the information you need to specify or select the right ESD floor for your application.

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Background photograph is StaticWorx President Dave Long holding a GroundLock Extreme ESD interlocking tile. In the foreground at the bottom are two boxes. The top is a bright blue and includes the text “Static Shorts With StaticWorx: Right from the den” and the StaticWorx logo. The second is a dark blue-gray and includes the text in white: “GroundLock Interlocking ESD Tile: The Fix for Problem Floors”
Background image is a cropped photo of a contractor hitting a GroundLock Extreme ESD interlocking tile into place with an orange mallet. In the foreground at the bottom are two boxes. The top is a bright blue with the StaticWorx logo. The second is a dark blue-gray and includes the text in white: “GroundLock ESD Interlocking Flooring Installation”


Case Study – Replacing a Failing Floor Without Losing Production Time

StaticWorx was asked to evaluate a failing floor in an electronics manufacturing facility. After a fire the client had purchased a new ESD vinyl tile floor. Three months into the installation the floor was already lifting.

Episode page

ESD Interlocking Options

GroundLock EXTREME

Designed for quick, hassle-free installation, this floor is easily disassembled and moved to a different space or location. GroundLock EXTREME interlocking tiles can be installed by anyone—with or without experience. If the space is redeployed, it’s no big deal.


As the floor is completely reusable, GroundLock Extreme saves time and money.

GroundLock Lay-Flat Tiles

Most interlocking floors have one intrinsic weakness – dimensional stability. This is never a concern with GroundLock. Our GroundLock Interlocking and lay-flat tiles contain two layers of fiberglass inside every tile. This prevents contraction and expansion. GroundLock tiles lay flat and never dome up.

StatLock Interlocking SD Rubber

Our StatLock interlocking SD rubber tiles, made from 100% recycled and up to 91% post-consumer rubber, are our greenest ESD floor tile to date. Durable enough for heavy-duty environments, StatLock interlocking rubber, with inherent static-control characteristics, is  an excellent choice for temporary or transitional spaces. No need to rely on your landlord to take care of your ESD flooring needs. Simply carry the static-dissipative tiles to your location, zip together quickly and efficiently, then unlock and carry out when you’re finished. Best of all StatLock interlocking ESD rubber provides long wear and exceptional value for people searching for a low cost, high performance static-safe floor.

Get in Touch

The form below will help us better understand your needs and get you as quickly as possible to the right person. We look forward to helping you solve your static problem! 

You can expect a response within 24 hours. For faster service, please give us a call: 617-923-2000