A completed installation of AmeriWorx conductive (ESD) vinyl tile flooring in an electronics manufacturing facility
In progress installation of AmeriWorx conductive vinyl tile at an electronics manufacturing, aerospace and defence facility

“StaticWorx products were instrumental in our success on the project. The installation process using GroundTack adhesive helped us bid and install static-dissipative tile at a production rate well above our historic levels. Our installers were genuinely impressed with how square, true, and consistent the product was. We are happy, and more importantly, our customers are happy.”

Matt GravesStrahm Building Solutions

Aesthetics and Performance

ESD vinyl floors as beautiful as they are functional

AmeriWorx Solid Vinyl Tile (SVT) is 100% American made and FloorScore certified.

Precision-milled, each tile is perfectly square and dimensionally stable, for quick installation with no unsightly gaps between the seams. Tough, durable AmeriWorx tiles are rated at 2500 PSI and capable of handling heavy loads – including fork lifts, pallet jacks and heavy machinery.

Graphic has an illustration a simplified eagle's head on the right hand site and on the left is text bordered in blue reading "AmeriWorx ESD" in blue and underneath in orange the text reads "100% American Made Precision-Milled"

When installed using our Statbond pressure-sensitive adhesive, AmeriWorx tile handles traffic immediately, with no downtime necessary for adhesive to cure. Inexpensive and easy to maintain, AmeriWorx tile has one of lowest total costs of ownership of any resilient ESD flooring option.

AmeriWorx ESD vinyl tile meets all parameters of ANSI/ESD S20.20 for static-control – and both ESD and material performance are guaranteed for the life of your floor.

Why is AmeriWorx Vinyl a good choice for ESD flooring? Find out here.

The FloorScore icon in blue and green with the word "floor" in green with a green dashed semi circle running round it and beneath the word "score" in blue with a blue dash semi circle completing the loop. The text underneath reads "Certified by SCS Global Services"

AmeriWorx Solid Vinyl Tile (SVT) is 100% American made and Floor Score certified.

Precision-milled, each tile is perfectly square and dimensionally stable, for quick installation with no unsightly gaps between the seams. Tough, durable AmeriWorx tiles are rated at 2500 PSI and capable of handling heavy loads – including fork lifts, pallet jacks and heavy machinery.

Graphic has an illustration a simplified eagle's head on the right hand site and on the left is text bordered in blue reading "AmeriWorx ESD" in blue and underneath in orange the text reads "100% American Made Precision-Milled"

When installed using our Statbond pressure-sensitive adhesive, AmeriWorx tile handles traffic immediately, with no downtime necessary for adhesive to cure. Inexpensive and easy to maintain, AmeriWorx tile has one of lowest total costs of ownership of any resilient ESD flooring option.

AmeriWorx ESD vinyl tile meets all parameters of ANSI/ESD S20.20 for static-control – and both ESD and material performance are guaranteed for the life of your floor.

Why is AmeriWorx Vinyl a good choice for ESD flooring? Find out here.

No Unsightly Gaps

Some low-cost producers die-cut their vinyl tile while still warm, resulting in imprecisely sized—not square—tiles with a tolerance of plus or minus one-tenth of an inch. To slash costs, they forgo secondary processes that would correct excessive tolerances after the tiles have cooled.

Cheap additives like clay and limestone contribute to shrinkage. The dimensional irregularities in Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT) lead to installations with ugly gaps between the seams. A visual nightmare, gaps are depositories for dirt and sludge that accumulates during maintenance. To reduce gaps and prevent seam creepage, the tile must be heat-welded @ $2.00 per linier foot.

AmeriWorx vinyl tile can be heat welded if desired – but heat-welding is never required.

Precision Milling Produces Perfectly Square, Dimensionally Stable Tiles

AmeriWorx tiles are produced in large format then cut to size after the tile has acclimatized. After die-cutting, we precision-mill our AmeriWorx vinyl tiles to +/- 0.0020″. This automated process eliminates human error, producing perfectly square, dimensionally stable tiles.

After die-cutting, we precision-mill AmeriWorx tiles to +/- 0.0020″. 

When tiles are square, the installer can place tiles quickly – without manipulating each tile to make it fit. Gap-free floor tiles sit tightly—almost seamlessly—and look beautiful.

Graphic split into three parts. The top part is labeled “StaticWorx ESD Vinyl Tile” with a subheading underneath of “Precision-Milled No Shrinkage, Gap Free”. Then there is an illustration representing tile on a layer of conductive adhesive above a subfloor with an arrow showing the join in the tile which is gap free. It is labeled “Perfect fit every time”. The second panel is labeled “Die Cut Vinyl Tile” and the subheading “Shrinkage”. The graphic underneath represents tiles on a layer of conductive adhesive above a subfloor. An arrow points to a gap between the tiles and is labeled “Water and debris will collect.” The third panel is labeled “Bevels Create Voids”. The graphic underneath represents tiles on a layer of conductive adhesive above a a subfloor. And arrow points to where the tiles meet at the top but there is a gap at the base of the tiles and is labeled “Deflects under heavy loads”. The text at the bottom of the graphic reads “During routine cleaning, water can get into gaps causing delamination.”

Temperature and humidity affect the dimensions of die-cut tile, resulting in unsightly installations with gaps between the seams.

Photo of a completed installation of AmeriWorx ESD solid vinyl tile

Precision-milled AmeriWorx tile installs tightly, without the need for seam welding, for clean, quick, easy installation.

Thicker Tile Hides Bumps and Waves

Many vinyl tile products come in ultra-thin, 2-millimeter-thick tiles. Thin tiles telegraph every bump and wave from the concrete below. These ugly installations can never be corrected.

AmeriWorx vinyl is 3mm – or 1/8” thick – producing a walking surface that’s seamless and smooth.

Rugged and Durable

Our AmeriWorx SVT is durable and tough. Rated at 2500 PSI, AmeriWorx tile can handle extreme heavy loads –  1.25 tons per square inch – including fork lifts, pallet jacks and heavy machinery.

Superior Static Control

Superior Static-control Performance

Lead-free AmeriWorx vinyl tile provides permanent static control right out of the box – for the life of the material. Our vinyl tile is ANSI certified and has a lifetime ANSI/ESD S20.20 warranty for conductive and static-dissipative performance.

All StaticWorx AmeriWorx ESD vinyl tile meets ESD Association (ESDA) standards.

AmeriWorx tiles are available in conductive and dissipative ranges.

AmeriWorx and AmeriWorx Rox ESD vinyl tiles are available in conductive and dissipative ranges. This option gives you the flexibility to select the floor with the most suitable conductivity range for your application.

Conductive = < 1.0 x 10E6 ohms
Dissipative = > 1.0 x 10E6 ohms to < 1.0 x 10E9 ohms.

Please note: dissipative option is special order.

Never Requires ESD Polish or Wax

Topically applied chemicals wear off over time. Vinyl tile products that are not inherently conductive – i.e., do not have embedded conductive particles – require special ESD polish or wax for their static-control properties. ESD properties attained with topical finishes are temporary and wear off over time (as the polish or wax wears off). To be sure the floor complies with electrical standards, it must be regularly stripped and rewaxed and must be routinely tested, following guidelines outlined in ESD STM7.1.

 At an approximate cost of $1.50 per sq./ft., adding wax and polish steps to your floor’s maintenance plan can add substantially to the long-term cost of owning your floor. Assuming you’ve invested in an ohmmeter, electrical testing itself may not be terribly costly, but it would require a person to take responsibility, set a schedule and test the floor on a regular basis. Testing should also be tracked to be sure tests are performed on schedule. Otherwise it’s impossible to know if low humidity, high traffic or wear and tear has degraded the floor’s ESD properties.

Installation of an AmeriWorx ESD solid vinyl tile
Background image is a completed installation of AmeriWorx ESD solid vinyl tile. In a blue box in the front is the StaticWorx logo and underneath that a blue-gray box with text in white that reads "StaticWorx AmeriWorx ESD Vinyl Tile Installated at BAE Systems Guaymas"
Background image is a completed installation of AmeriWorx ESD solid vinyl tile. In a blue box in the front is the StaticWorx logo and underneath that a blue-gray box with text in white that reads "StaticWorx AmeriWorx ESD Vinyl Tile Installated at BAE Systems Guaymas"

StaticWorx AmeriWorx ESD Vinyl Tiles Installed at BAE Systems, Guaymas

Cost Savings

Sold Directly to Contractors or End Users with No Multi-Tiered Distribution

Multiple layers of distribution can add substantially to the cost of an ESD floor.

We sell AmeriWorx tile directly to contractors or end users, so there’s no hefty markup – making this tough, attractive, high-performing floor a great value and wise ESD flooring choice.

Image is split into three photos of completed AmeriWorx conductive vinyl tile installation in a manufacturing hub
Blue Ash hub, AmeriWorx Conductive Vinyl Tile (Spring Snow)


Ameriworx Handles Traffic Immediately After Installation – With No Downtime

Tile installed with dark wet-set or epoxy adhesives are easily stained when wet adhesive seeps through the seams. And wet adhesives must cure for 3 days or more before you can walk on the floor – causing shutdown and loss of production. StatBond pressure-sensitive adhesive is tacky, preventing seepage for a quick, clean, permanent installation. With no required cure time, the floor can handle traffic as soon as tile is laid – with no waiting and no downtime to worry about.
Image shows an in progress installation of AmeriWorx ESD solid vinyl, being laid over conductive adhesive
Image shows some of the steps of grounding as ESD floor as a background. The title How to Ground an ESD Floor is displayed in bold white text against a rectangle of dark blue grey at the bottom of the image and and the Staticworx logo below
Image shows some of the steps of grounding as ESD floor as a background. The title How to Ground an ESD Floor is displayed in bold white text against a rectangle of dark blue grey at the bottom of the image and and the Staticworx logo below

Environmentally Friendly

FloorScore Certified

FloorScore certified, AmeriWorx vinyl tile contains no measurable VOCs, and meets California 1350 indoor air quality certification.

The FloorScore icon in blue and green with the word "floor" in green with a green dashed semi circle running round it and beneath the word "score" in blue with a blue dash semi circle completing the loop. The text underneath reads "Certified by SCS Global Services"
Completed installation of AmeriWorx ESD solid vinyl tile in a manufacturing facility

“AmeriWorx SVT allowed us to greatly increase our productivity. With the tiles being perfectly square and having no variation in gloss or thickness, we essentially improved our productivity by as much as 20%. Considering that labor is as much as 30% of the total cost of a new floor, that can mean the difference between a contractor making money or losing money on a tight project.”

Michael Alley, Master Flooring Mechanic, (Installed all 32,000 sq. ft. of AmeriWorx™ SVT at Fawn Electronics in Nashville, NC)

Key Benefits

Precision Milled

  • Precision milled in production
  • Perfectly square
  • Tolerance +/- .01”
    No gaps to collect dirt and debris
  • Dimensionally stable
  • Seamless
  • Easy to install

More Attractive, Lasts Longer than VCT

  • Color through entire thickness
  • Solid vinyl - no inexpensive fillers
  • Hides scratches and wear
  • Can be dry-buffed to hospital-like shine

Rugged, Durable
3 mm – 1/8” – thick

  • Hides bumps and waves
  • Rugged
    Rated 2500 psi – for extreme heavy loads (1.25 tons per sq/in)

Superior ESD Protection

  • Permanent static control
  • ESD properties embedded in manufacturing
  • ESD-warranty for life of your floor
  • Meets ANSI/ESD S20.20
  • Available in Conductive or Dissipative (dissipative special order)
  • Never Needs ESD Polish or Wax

Easy to Install
StatBond Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive offers clean, quick, easy installation

  • No seepage or mess
  • No special equipment
  • Can walk on floor immediately
  • No downtime

Cost Effective

  • Sold direct to contractor
  • No multi-tiered distribution
  • Installs quickly - lower labor costs
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • Does not need to be waxed



AmeriWorx ESD vinyl tiles are an ideal option for facilities managers looking for the clean, shiny look of a hospital floor. 

AmeriWorx Rox – for designers who prefer a more interesting or natural aesthetic

AmeriWorx ESD vinyl tiles are an ideal option for facilities managers looking for the clean, shiny look of a hospital floor. 

AmeriWorx Rox – for designers who prefer a more interesting or natural aesthetic

Staticworx ESD tile can be installed over wood, concrete and access floors.

Find out about StaticWorx flooring essentials

Learn about the flooring essentials that StaticWorx can supply,
plus our GroundSafe® Equipment Loaner Program.

Learn more

Info and Brochures


We’re often asked if precision milling really is necessary. If aesthetics are important, if your project requires a clean, tight, gap-free installation—then the answer is yes. Find out why.

StatBond Installation

StaticWorx developed StatBond pressure-sensitive permanent adhesive to replace wet set adhesives. StatBond eliminates messy installations. Unlike wet-set epoxies and conductive one-part acrylic emulsions, StatBond is allowed to dry completely before tiles are installed.


Learn more about StatBond and the benefits of using this pressure-sensitive permanent adhesive.

Maintenance Videos

Background image is an installation of AmeriWorx ESD solid vinyl tile. In the foreground at the bottom are two boxes. The top is a bright blue with the StaticWorx logo. The second is a dark blue-gray and includes the text in white: “AmeriWorx ESD Vinyl Tile: Initial (Post-Installation) Maintenance"
Background image is a completed installation of AmeriWorx ESD solid vinyl tile in a large facility. In the foreground at the bottom are two boxes. The top is a bright blue with the StaticWorx logo. The second is a dark blue-gray and includes the text in white: “AmeriWorx ESD Vinyl Tile: Ongoing Maintenance"

Get in Touch

The form below will help us better understand your needs and get you as quickly as possible to the right person. We look forward to helping you solve your static problem! 

You can expect a response within 24 hours. For faster service, please give us a call: 617-923-2000

Visit our privacy policy to find out how we process data.

Background graphic is a still from the StaticWorx GroundSafe ESD Flooring – Your Trusted Partner explainer animation. In the foreground at the bottom are two boxes. The top is a bright blue with the StaticWorx logo and "GroundSafe ESD Flooring" underneath in white. The second is a dark blue-gray and includes the text in white: “GroundWorx ESD Flooring – Your Trusted Partner”

StaticWorx high-performance static-control floors protect electronic components, explosives, and high-speed computers from damage caused by static electricity. ESD flooring is part of a system. Choices should always be based on objective, researched evidence. When you partner with us, we look at all possible items that may need to integrate with the floor, and, focusing on your goals and objectives, help you find the right floor for your application.

Get in Touch

East Coast: 617-923-2000
Email: [email protected]

“I’m so glad we were able to find an attractive solution that didn’t leave us with some run-of-the-mill ugly disaster.”

Unless otherwise stated, standards referenced are the most up-to-date versions.

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The FAA has updated its standard for facilities and electronic equipment. StaticWorx meets all requirements for ESD flooring.

Flooring Products

Image shows the cards accepted for payment for StaticWorx: Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover

We accept these major credit cards.

“I’m so glad we were able to find an attractive solution that didn’t leave us with some run-of-the-mill ugly disaster.”

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East Coast: 617-923-2000
Email: [email protected]

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Sign up for our newsletter and occasional updates.

The FAA has updated its standard for facilities and electronic equipment. StaticWorx meets all requirements for ESD flooring.

Unless otherwise stated, standards referenced are the most up-to-date versions.

Get in Touch

East Coast: 617-923-2000
Email: [email protected]

“I’m so glad we were able to find an attractive solution that didn’t leave us with some run-of-the-mill ugly disaster.”

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Sign up for our newsletter and occasional updates.

The FAA has updated its standard for facilities and electronic equipment. StaticWorx meets all requirements for ESD flooring.

Unless otherwise stated, standards referenced are the most up-to-date versions.

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