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ESD Floors should never be specified based on the descriptive terms conductive or static dissipative. Always base ESD specs on verifiable metrics. Find out why.


ESD flooring materials should always be tested and qualified as an ESD flooring system – i.e. in combination with a person and whatever footwear is designated for the space.


Our Static Bursts podcast two-part special on ESD flooring explains the key criteria for selecting an ESD floor: application, aesthetics, installation and maintenance.


Architects’ Workshop: ESD Flooring – The Basics

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A male contractor inputting something into a tablet
A male in hard hat and hi-viz jacket pointing out something to a female inspector in a leather jacket with a hard hat and clipboard
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For advice specific to your role, visit our user hubs:

A male contractor inputting something into a tablet
A male in hard hat and hi-viz jacket pointing out something to a female inspector in a leather jacket with a hard hat and clipboard
Property Managers and Owners

Architects’ Workshop: ESD Flooring – The Basics

“Our installers were genuinely impressed with how square, true, and consistent the product was. We are happy, and more importantly, our customers are happy. StaticWorx AmeriWorx is a superior product and we look forward to working with StaticWorx in the future.”
BAE Systems ESD flooring installation in progress
Matt Graves, Project Manager
Strahm Building Solutions
“Our installers were genuinely impressed with how square, true, and consistent the product was. We are happy, and more importantly, our customers are happy. StaticWorx AmeriWorx is a superior product and we look forward to working with StaticWorx in the future.”
BAE Systems ESD flooring installation in progress
Matt Graves, Project Manager
Strahm Building Solutions

Featured Content

Image of small, static-sensitive device being held with tweezers
Avoid Costly Failures: What to Know When Specifying ESD Flooring

Specifying the wrong ESD floor can cause flooring failure & result in production shutdown. Learn what specifiers need to know to avoid costly mistakes.

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Illustration of shoes with ESD heel straps
ESD Footwear: What Is It and When Is It Necessary?

Without special footwear, some ESD floors cannot prevent static discharge. Learn why, how options differ, and how footwear interacts with flooring materials.

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Still from the Staticworx cartoon showing charge generation as a person walks across a floor
7 Common Mistakes in Selecting ESD Flooring

Most ESD flooring failures stem from these 7 common but avoidable mistakes. Find out what they are and how you can easily escape common pitfalls.

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Photo of carpet tile lifted to reveal access flooring panel
Case Study: ESD Flooring Failure, Incorrect Testing: Always Qualify Your Floor Using ANSI/ESD Test Methods

To comply with relevant ESD standards, test electrical properties using methods outlined in ESD S20.20.

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5 Reasons You Should Never Qualify a Floor Based on Conductive or Dissipative

ESD Floors should never be specified based on the descriptive terms conductive or static dissipative. Always base ESD specs on verifiable metrics.

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ESD Flooring Installation: Bond Test and Manufacturer Oversight Are Critical to ESD Flooring Success

If the vapor barrier fails to adhere to the subfloor, tiles will lift. Bond test and manufacturer oversight are crucial to ESD floor installation success.

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Hidden Costs of Flooring Installations (Part 1): Vapor in the Concrete

Vapor in the subfloor can cause even floors in arid climates to fail. This episode addresses moisture problems and how to avoid costly rework down the road.

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ESD Flooring Selection (Part 1): Installation

In this episode of Static Bursts, Dave and Rick discuss the key criteria for selecting an ESD floor: application, aesthetics, installation and maintenance. First of two part special.

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The Pitfalls of ESD Flooring Selection: How to Avoid Flooring Failure (Part 1)

Pairing the wrong ESD floor/application can lead to flooring failure. We explain factors to consider, why each is important, and how to avoid mistakes.

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How to Ground an ESD Floor: A Step-by-Step Guide

Grounding an ESD floor is straightforward and easy. Conductive adhesive eliminates the need for expensive copper equipotential grounding grids of the past.

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Conductive vs Dissipative: Does It Matter?

Whether an ESD floor is conductive or dissipative—measured by testing electrical resistance—is too often used to predict the performance of an ESD floor.

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Qualifying an ESD floor – Resistance and Charge Generation

ESD flooring materials should always be tested and qualified as an ESD flooring system – i.e. in combination with a person and the footwear designated for the space.

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Get the essential tools for specifying and selecting an ESD floor. FREE in our short, but comprehensive e-guide.

✓ Specification checklist;
✓ visual selector guide;
✓ walking body voltage/low static generation;
✓ resistance requirements and testing;
✓ ESD flooring comparison;
✓ industry standards & test methods;
✓ key ESD terms.

Get the essential tools for specifying and selecting an ESD floor. FREE in our short, but comprehensive e-guide.

✓ Specification checklist;
✓ visual selector guide;
✓ walking body voltage/low static generation;
✓ resistance requirements and testing;
✓ ESD flooring comparison;
✓ industry standards & test methods;
✓ key ESD terms.

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Background graphic is a still from the StaticWorx GroundSafe ESD Flooring – Your Trusted Partner explainer animation. In the foreground at the bottom are two boxes. The top is a bright blue with the StaticWorx logo and "GroundSafe ESD Flooring" underneath in white. The second is a dark blue-gray and includes the text in white: “GroundWorx ESD Flooring – Your Trusted Partner”
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StaticWorx high-performance static-control floors protect electronic components, explosives, and high-speed computers from damage caused by static electricity. ESD flooring is part of a system. Choices should always be based on objective, researched evidence. When you partner with us, we look at all possible items that may need to integrate with the floor, and, focusing on your goals and objectives, help you find the right floor for your application.

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East Coast: 617-923-2000
Email: [email protected]

“I’m so glad we were able to find an attractive solution that didn’t leave us with some run-of-the-mill ugly disaster.”

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The FAA has updated its standard for facilities and electronic equipment. StaticWorx meets all requirements for ESD flooring.

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“I’m so glad we were able to find an attractive solution that didn’t leave us with some run-of-the-mill ugly disaster.”

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East Coast: 617-923-2000
Email: [email protected]

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The FAA has updated its standard for facilities and electronic equipment. StaticWorx meets all requirements for ESD flooring.

Get in Touch

East Coast: 617-923-2000
Email: [email protected]

“I’m so glad we were able to find an attractive solution that didn’t leave us with some run-of-the-mill ugly disaster.”

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The FAA has updated its standard for facilities and electronic equipment. StaticWorx meets all requirements for ESD flooring.

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