FAQ: What is meant by ESD?

When two objects contact and separate, friction causes a charge to build on their body. When a charged person or object touches someone or something, static on their body leaps to the other person/object. This transfer of electricity is called an electrostatic discharge or ESD.

Everyday examples of ESD include: rubbing a balloon over your head; combing your hair; petting your cat; and walking across a floor. The zap you feel is an electrostatic discharge. Minute ESD events, too small for humans to perceive, can damage electronic components.

Illustration shows a hand with a finger reaching out to touch a doorknob.. The finger glows where it touches and numerous blue circles with minus signs in represent the elections being transferred or the static charge. The label above reads "At least 3500 volts" representing the human threshold of sensitivity to electrostatic discharge (ESD)
Illustration shows a hand with a finger reaching out to touch a doorknob.. The finger glows where it touches and numerous blue circles with minus signs in represent the elections being transferred or the static charge. The label above reads "At least 3500 volts" representing the human threshold of sensitivity to electrostatic discharge (ESD)

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Background graphic is a still from the StaticWorx GroundSafe ESD Flooring – Your Trusted Partner explainer animation. In the foreground at the bottom are two boxes. The top is a bright blue with the StaticWorx logo and "GroundSafe ESD Flooring" underneath in white. The second is a dark blue-gray and includes the text in white: “GroundWorx ESD Flooring – Your Trusted Partner”
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StaticWorx high-performance static-control floors protect electronic components, explosives, and high-speed computers from damage caused by static electricity. ESD flooring is part of a system. Choices should always be based on objective, researched evidence. When you partner with us, we look at all possible items that may need to integrate with the floor, and, focusing on your goals and objectives, help you find the right floor for your application.